My Dear Orhan Pamuk

I am sorry to hear that what you are facing is becoming an issue when it should not. I am not sorry that now at least an opportunity has opened so that you may bring attention to what you care for and that people will now listen.
You are the balance between the extremes of happiness and hate in the Muslim world. Your books are the beacon for justice. Your prose is mesmorizing, stories heartfelt, and themes controversially needed.
I thank you for being progressive and courageous. Your humility is not overlooked.
I thank you for not being boring. Your stories' imagry will forever burn in my mind.
Please read in Orhan Pamuk's own words about the story of his plight. I have an incredible love for my favorite authors, and although I never blindly support a cause, I can never understand the supression of free speech. His observations are right on target about the responsibilities of both East and West to own up to their mistakes. And hopefully his trial will go as he expects it to.
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