Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Cosmos

I don't understand how I can continuously study for one test more than the previous one throughout the semester, yet still score progressively lower than the last one each time. Sheesh, give me some help here.

Another thing I don't get: Why do people believe that every picture on their digital camera is worth keeping? I mean the whole invention of the camera was to get rid of pictures that come out bad, but somehow they all pile up until the memory is shot and you have to systematically delete every single stupid headshot of your brother's face (ok, obviously this post wasn't entirely about you, the reader. I wouldn't alienate my audience now, would I?).

Could it be laziness? Vanity? That perhaps my face looks good here, but not there and that maybe if I wait awhile, it would get better and then I'll decide whether to delete it or not. I would go with the latter. This is interesting because I also believed that digital cameras were supposed to make it easier to access your pictures. Now, it's just sitting there on disks (when someone is not lazy enough to actually put it on a disk) or on the camera...taking up memory. And I'm talking not just 100 or so pictures that you have to deal with on this memory's like in the hundreds and hundreds of random, unneeded, wacked out, strange, stupid pictures that JUST TAKE UP SPACE!

While I'm at it, another topic: Sensuality

Yes...I'm not talking about sexuality, just to make it clear. The fact that it is inherent in desi culture not to even get near the *idea* of sex is a bit weird when it comes out in its applicable form.

For example, I am sitting with my dad as usual watching the evening news, when the topic of abortion comes out (and of course it's on all the channels) so that when my dad flips to CBS, the news anchor screams "And now...ABORTION!" and my dad quickly jumps to another channel. ("ABORTION!" says PBS). This tends to go on and on. Before it happened when the topic was stem cell research.

Ok, so I'm pre-med. As I sit there, quite amused might I say, by my dad's precarious desire to protect my "virgin ears", I wonder what would happen if at an interview to medical school they ask me, "So what do you think about the stem cell research controversy and possible solutions to this whole mess?"

Umm....I'm not allowed to talk about it?

I don't think that would fly (just a guess). That was a more serious reason why I roll my eyes. Even more serious is the fact that I get kicked out of MY basement everytime my parents are watching a (pg rated) movie. Come on can fast forward through the kissing at least? And look at Bollywood...there IS NO kissing. It's just a bunch of women (and scrumptiously men at times) whose torso gets unprecedented screen time in cinema history. And besides, these are happy people that break out into song at random times throughout the wholesome can you get?

Such is life and how it all comes together for me.


By the way, I just found out today that Nina Simone looks JUST like one of my best friends. And with the whole 60s outfit, the picture captured her personality EXACTLY. Even that defiant eyebrow...wooh! You go girl!


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