Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fear and Happiness

I just have to say, what is up with me and my phobias?

Here are a few wack ones:

1. I can't face any professor outside of the classroom...if I see them at a bookstore (like I just did) or anywhere off campus I will make a quick U-turn and hope they don't see me. It's just weird.

2. I hate putting on make-up in front of people. I wait until everybody is out of the bathroom, or I find an empty one, and then proceed to put it on alone.

3. Spiders within 12 inches from me. Any closer and I can't stand them.

4. Getting yelled at...or lectured. Or both (*shudder*).

5. Losing a loved one.

6. Having my cell phone ring in the middle of [insert public place here].

Hmm, now that I've established myself as a bit paranoid, let me list some things that are comforting:

1. Green (the more trees, flowers, nature, the better).

2. Pictures of people (even strangers).

3. Television

4. Friends, especially at dusk when a really great conversation is just beginning...

5. Reading

6. Music (although this one is iffy...I have lately become really annoyed with the stuff that plays on the radio and I spend more time changing channels than actually listening to something good).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

running away from professors? you're right, that IS weird...:P

11/12/2005 8:31 PM

Blogger Neda said...

har har har...not as wierd as you not getting a blog. I thought you would get one by now.

11/14/2005 2:00 PM


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