Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And In Other News...

I saw the headline, "Yarrr! International Talk Like a Pirate Day" and began to laugh because at first I thought the "Yarrr" was referring to the desi language-speak for "friend" that everyone who is Fresh Off the Boat uses ALL the time by saying "Yar".

Pass me the ketchup YARRRRRR!!

(I think the UV radiation has began to affect me because I ran out this morning in a rush and forgot to put any lotion on hahahah). I apologize for the agonizingly unfunny humor.

Unexpected Information

I woke up late (again) for eating my pre-dawn meal before I fast and I took a little too long in the shower (how do people make it in under 20 minutes? I don't think a person can be very clean if they do it anything like the method Elaine described on the show Seinfeld about multitasking and gravity), so I had to rush online to see what time the sun is supposed to rise. It turned out to be ten minutes later than 4 days ago, so I was really happy not to go hungry for the entire summer-length day.

So all this was to say that I also happened to find that the UV index for Kansas City was on "high". Why the heck was I under the impression that it only happened under the unfortunate skies of Australia? I know that we are all supposed to slather on some suntan lotion everyday and we are all supposed to be careful about the sun in general. But I thought around here our risk was medium or at best medium-low. So who forgot to tell me this little fact? It is a 7 on a scale of I am not quite sure. Now I am paranoid about leaving the house today without any skin protection (as if every other day I didn't get zapped by sunbeams). After our Genetics and Neoplasia unit you might see me out and about around Kansas City in a spacesuit.

Um, my roomate's cat just ate some of my leftover black olives, I really hope that is ok.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Library Night

I love how I can walk onto the main undergraduate campus and find that the entire computer lab is filled with Asians on a Saturday and Sunday night. Including myself of course. Not that I'm Asian. But we're neighbors, same thing.

My eyes are about to bug out with all the staring I do into my laptop's screen now that everything is digitized at the med school. And it gives me further excuse to procrastinate by surfing the Internet. This has become a serious problem in the past, but I think I have remedied it by screwing myself over during the first block and forcing myself to chose between a summer filled with fun or slaving away over cadavers. I will take the first choice please. Besides, I work best under pressure. I was just setting myself up for this because I love getting that anxiety filled adrenaline rush (not).

Ok, now I am going to stop and get back to studying. So at least this coming summer I can fill this blog with pictures of Pakistan, and whatever country I finally decide on stopping over.