This Ramadan 2008
I am eternally grateful for so many things in my life, and I feel that I cannot compare myself to any other human being for it.
I have definitely asked for the simple things in life, but some of the most important ones that I rank as high is the wonderful parents that I have who are constantly adapting their views in my culture for their children. Even though they still have a long way to go (sorry, had to add that), without their support I could never have been able to pursue what I have done so far.
I also must thank Allah for giving me such beautiful, close friends in my life. New ones, old ones, rekindled ones....they are few but extraordinary. I could not have found them on my own without Him.
I am deeply indebted to Allah for giving me a chance at medical school. And not just giving me a chance but a second chance. How could I ever take such a thing I prayed about for granted?
No hardship or burden is too great for any person to bear, but at the same time I must constantly ask Him for His help. And I hope that whatever occurs in the future will be good for the people around me as well. And I hope that whatever I ask for in the future will still be accepted by Him. Ameen.
I needed to put that out there today.
Sometimes you have to let it out and sometimes it's best to keep it in. The world is being controlled by a small demon known as the television. And the people are standing up themselves, for themselves without it's burdens. Thanks for speaking your mind.
6/23/2009 10:51 AM
Dorood bar shoma. Nemidoonam shoma zaban-e parsi( va khat-e parsi) midoonid yaa na?
be har rooy . az ashnayi baa shoma khosnood shodam.
6/23/2009 7:39 PM
Tom: Thank you. I have definitely been watching from the states and realize not everything is reported the way it should be.
م.سبزجامه : Thank you for your message, I actually needed my Persian friend to translate what you wrote for me :) I do not understand or speak Farsi, but I can understand and speak a little Urdu...I am actually Pakistani with the name Neda. Thank you for stopping by and Dorood bar shoma :)
6/24/2009 9:39 AM
hello neda, i was just searching in internet and saw your blog accidentally! my name is "neda" too, and it was astrange to me that , your words were exacly like ones i say to myself over and over...
mamby we can be good friends:)
10/14/2009 11:23 PM
Neda: Of course! I would love to :) Where are you from?
10/16/2009 1:23 AM
I'm iranian...
10/16/2009 6:08 AM
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