Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ok, You Can Stop Now....

I don't know about anybody else, but this article about North Korea considering to use sanctions imposed on them as an act of war made me a little, um, concerned.

I usually don't get too crazy paranoid about threats that countries make in the headlines, sometimes you just know it's politically motivated junk. And quite possibly this is the same thing with N. Korea...but I don't know, it just made me a little nervous. They do have nuclear weapons after all.

Certainly with our current president the world has not gotten safer (as if creating an unnecessary war solves all of our problems...or sitting on his hands when an unjust war is initiated (lebanon anyone?)). But as it was stated in the article, Japan has taken measures to impose sanctions anyway and so far it only hurts North Korea because a lot of their pricy exports go to Japan.

I know with the way North Korea is saying they will be testing their weapons is like showing off their power, but you just don't want to really mess with a rumbling volcano, right? I mean, what do you do with a country like that? I knew N. Korea was a bigger threat before the Iraq war (which is why the Iraq invasion completely confused me...I mean, North Korea is one country that definately HAD nuclear weapons).

But this is all rhetoric that has been repeated again and again and again, but nobody truly listens to it. Or something.

I'm just laughing now because I just remembered something else I read about an asteroid that was set to hit the Earth in 2035 or something. So how shall we all eventually die? By us blowing ourselves up six times over or by a giant flying projectile (oh wait that doesn't rule anything out).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, he's a short man, with a short temper and an itchy trigger finger. I think he grew more and more bitter as the capitalistic countries around his continued to prosper, while his country became more and more impoverished.

What's unfortunate about the economic sanctions is that those who suffer the most are the poorest of people, because they become the last in line to receive humanitarian aid or economic benifits from any trade that the country is still allowed to do. So, just like in Iraq, the leaders and those associated with him are unaffected while the masses suffer.

Speaking of Iraq, SOOOO MANY reasons to pick Iraq over N. Korea. There is no economic benifit from invading N. Korea; there is also the motive of avenging one's father; and many more.

Hopefully we can get a better president in just a little over a year.

10/12/2006 11:02 AM

Blogger Neda said...

Wow the way you reasoned through it, it all makes so much more sense. I guess the president really is smarter than he looks. *gag*

10/17/2006 4:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sarcasm kills me. :D

10/18/2006 1:07 PM


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