Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


"Separately, Israel escalated its Gaza assault, dropping a quarter-ton bomb on a home before dawn to try to assassinate top Hamas fugitives. Palestinian hospital officials said the blast killed nine members of a family — seven children and two parents." ---Yahoo News

I only ask, is it necessary to try to kill a fly with a hammer, totally miss the target and kill innocent people instead (sound familiar Olmert)?

The leaders of both sides, Israel and Palestine, need to change tactics because getting radical doesn't mean you are getting progressive. Radical means backwards and that is where everything is heading with the way events are leading.

And I am especially frustrated with the way this (U.S.) administration is trying to handle it. Basically give everybody a slap on the wrist and hope for the best. Either they stop getting involved in these people's affairs or just settle it the right way and finish it. Meddling creates a whole other slew of complications.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at the map of Israel from the past decades through today, you can see how it has spread like cancer into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. As if they didn't have enough land already, they keep taking land away from refugees!
This is just a drop in the ocean compared to the atrocities they've committed, but you don't feel the real impact of their actions by just looking at numbers; you feel it when you read about an individual person or family and you empathize with his/their story.
Same thing can be said about Kashmir. All those people want is a free state, but obviously neither country is willing to let it go because of greed. It is so tragic that what seems like a simple solution to us is decidedly ignored by the people who can enact it. And why?
Because to them, land is more valuable than the blood of hundreds even thousands of innocent people who are killed for it EACH DAY!
I pray for a better tomorrow for each of those people and console myslef in knowing that their oppressors will have to answer for what they've done to a Higher Power.

7/15/2006 9:38 AM


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