Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I swear I updated last week, but the blogger demons were plotting against me.

On a more serious note, I just want to explain that the reason for not posting is because I am having issues. That's all.

And also the fact that there is nothing public to share. But, I can talk really vaguely and dance around the issue and maybe you can figure it out for yourself.

No, actually I can't. I sat here for a minute thinking about it, but it's not going to happen.

I'll try to become my normal self in the next two months (yes, that long), but in the meantime I can't gaurantee anything.

And yes, I'll try to post something at least between now and that two month time frame...!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You leave me scratching my head...

4/11/2006 2:49 PM

Blogger Neda said...

Hahaha, well then I can be called mysterious, no?

4/12/2006 11:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps, but I prefer confusing, perplexing, or confounding...
However, some good did come of my head-scratching, because I found a tiny protein-packed snack. Yum!
(I misspelled my name on the last one... the "!" goes before the name to make it a "click")

4/13/2006 1:02 AM

Blogger Neda said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, lol

4/13/2006 9:13 AM


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