Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wishful Thinking

I was debating whether or not to write this amusing event that happened yesterday night at the library, mainly because if the person that it involves happens to come upon this and read it, it would be embarrassing for him.

But that chance would be slim to none.

Anyway, so I was studying for today's test yesterday at the library when this random guy began studying the books in between the stacks. My table was right next to those rows of shelves and, well, how convenient for him, the books were his excuse to stand there for about ten minutes.

After awhile, he sauntered upto my table and asked, "Do you mind if I join you, or are [unintelligable]?"

Of course, this threw me completely off because 1) I don't know him, 2) I sure as hell know he doesn't know me, and 3) he looked slightly derranged...really. I'm talking under the influence here.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

Now, what gave him the excuse to take this as an opportunity to lean in real close to my ear and murmer, "I said, do you mind if I join you, or are you busy?"

"Oh. I'm busy," I said with a half smile. Ok, the truth is I was sooo glad he gave me that option. Because as some of my friends know, I have a hard time getting out of situations like these (although the answer ultimately would have been no anyway, it just made it that much easier).

So he stood back and seemed to ponder for a bit. Then once again he leaned in very close and said, "I just want to let you know that you are a very beautiful female."

It took me that much strength just not to roll my eyes right then and there. "Yeah, thanks." I said and looked back down at my notes hoping he would move on. "You're welcome," he replied and stood there for a few moments. With a sigh of relief, I sensed that he was leaving.

All of a sudden I heard a sudden thunk and "Oh! Ow!". I looked up just in time to see him reel back from what had apparently been a serious collision with the side of the stacks. He stumbled around the shelf and dissappeared.

At first, I didn't know how to react. I mean, that was talent. But I'll go with derranged. Because it looked like it was on purpose, yet why would somebody actually do that?

In the end I couldn't help it, I had to start laughing and laughing and laughing...

It's one of those things I guess you had to be there for to really get the craziness of it. But wow, that was one of the most interesting "pick up" encounters I've had to date.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been officially established that you're a FEMALE! And all it took was a completely PLASTERED dude to come up with this insightful observation so that he may enlighten us all.
I wonder what mysteries of life will be solved this week.
I guess we'll stay tuned and find out.

2/12/2006 8:58 PM

Blogger Neda said...

!xussel: And I needed him to do that? Wow, I didn't know it was so confusing before :)

2/14/2006 11:43 AM


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