This summer looks so promising. I feel like it is an untouched canvas just waiting for me to color it (I know, that sounded so cliche but described exactly what I feel for it!).
I think leaving the country would be out of the question for me (especially since my passport kind of expired years ago). But I look forward to seeing Spain and Morocco!
What do people do in the summer?
It's been so long, I don't even remember. Anything! I could....paddleboat! Or finally go rock climbing (erm, wall climbing indoors...since I don't live exactly near anything resembling a mountain).
I can finally read those books I've always wanted to read (and not watch the movie as a shortcut). I can visit people in different states. I can go to amusement parks with friends. Try making new dishes (since apparently I learned recently I have a special talent for mixing things together and making it taste good).
Every summer there is an event where they show movies outdoors. I can't wait to see summer movies!
Summers are times to attend people's weddings. To dress up and look glamorous.
Even to go shopping and pretend you still have money by the end of the season so there is no self induced added stress before school starts.
I can catch up with old friends and new ones. And hopefully meet new people too.
I don't think I want to sleep in either. There seems to be too much to do!
I want to see Chicago again.
Or try watching a ballet for once.
Hold picnics and BBQ outdoors.....ahhh BBQs!
Or sit out during dusk and chat with close friends or family. Share thoughts and feelings just because you feel like you're in such a good mood and the world is all yours.
Warm breezes. Flowy skirts. Fashion! Summer fashion can be tricky for me...
For people with significant others, a nice time to get closer.
or grow apart. But let's not think bad things :)
Eating out with friends is a must. Anything with friends is a must.
Wow. It's been a long, long time summer....where have you been??