Since I realized the amount of love I have for what happens around me in the world, I believe this is the one space where I can at least express it without waiting for somebody to listen.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Drinking Issues

I didn't realize that cranberry juice can give you a greater kick in the face than any cup of coffee. I am definitely going to revise my drinking habits.

Take my secret addiction for example:

It's like I can't get off the bottle. I don't drink it socially anymore, and even acceptably with meals. Random moments throughout the day (yes, I can start before noon) I will reach for it and pour myself a drink.

At night, if I am feeling bored or depressed, there I will go taking a swig of that dark liquid and feeling a temporary satisfaction to my "thirst". To escape the responsibilities or pressures of life, what else is there to do than to fill a glass and busy yourself with it?

Sometimes I will lie to myself about how much I drink. I will also deny this fact with others. My sister will look at my hand that holds the bottle and exclaim in disgust, "Are you drinking that again? How many have you had today?"

I tell myself I can stop. I can do it anytime. But last night it got to the point where I was fearing for my health. So I explained to my sister as I poured myself another glass to make sure I NEVER buy another bottle again. Because I fear I am losing control over the situation.

I mean, people even offer it to me during class. How can I resist when they are getting me some for free? I'm cheap and that's not going to change.

Yes. Yes I do drink it again and again, to the point of going through 2 liters in two to three days.

I guess the first step is to admit it, so here I will say YES, I am a Dr. Pepper-aholic and it is a problem.

I apologize to everyone that it hurt, starting with my wallet. If you are out with me, or see me in the street with it, call me out or the lining of my teeth and esophagus are going to erode before I hit thirty.

Not to mention I got a cool looking water bottle (free of course, like duh) and I think I'll use it more often.

Disclaimer: If you are my mom and made it this far in the post without having a nervous breakdown, just to let you know I AM JUST KIDDING. That is all. (And yes, the public understands that I'm joking too).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me like you need to join the 12-step program at DA "Doc"aholics Anonymous. But who can blame you with those 23 flavors in each 12-oz can tempting you at every step? In fact I'm drinking one right now. Just remember to do your part and recycle.
PS. Is it just me, or does diet soda have the worst after-taste of anything you've ever tasted?

4/27/2007 1:30 AM

Blogger supermango said...

I was thinking "damn, neda is an alcoholic"... and then i made it to "DR PEPPER"

4/28/2007 8:55 AM

Blogger Neda said...

!xussel: That just boggles my mind, the 23 it really composed of 23 flavors? How do they know? What are those flavors anyway?? lol I need to stop. And yes, that is why I never drink diet...I can't stand it.

supermango: Nice to see you here :) It's scary that there is very little difference to it. I was feeling really moody one night and realized it was only because I was at the bottom of my supply lol. That hit me then that I needed to calm down and get over it.

4/29/2007 3:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you knew what the 23 flavors were, then it wouldn't remain a closely guarded secret recipe, and they'd have to kill you.
A little relevant story:
When I was in boarding school in Pakistan, we weren't allowed to have soda at all. But if someone was sick, they were allowed to have their medication after food. So Every month or so I'd pretend that I had a cough, and I'd be able to get that cherry flavored cough syrup after each meal for about a week at a time. I LOVED the stuff!
Several years later when I came here, I had the opportunity to taste Dr. Pepper, and I couldn't help but be taken back to those cherry-flavored-cough-syrup days and think to myself, "SWEET AMBROSIA!"
I'd bet the cherry-flavored cough syrup is a major ingredient, hence the name "Dr. Pepper."

5/12/2007 12:23 AM


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